I'm terribly sorry that I haven't put up my responses on blogspot, but I have been turning them in. Any comments? I promise I'll try my hardest to follow this. Due to the fact that my other classes have been requiring much of my energy and attention, I am afraid I haven't been contributing much to this blogging session. Again, I'm sorry. (I know, tsk tsk, **hanging my head in shame**) Anyway, I promise as your blogspot admin. I will try my hardest to devote more time, analysis, comments to all you fellow bloggers!
(: Have fun with these reads! I really want to share my love of reading and of literature in general. Explore places that few have experienced. Let the inspiring words fill you with deep awe! I promise you, after every book you read, after every epiphany, after every insight, after a sharp intake of breath, you will leave the ink world with gained wisdom and experience. Let the tears flow. Free the laughter that bubble deep within your soul! Unchain the anger and irritation that build within you. All these emotions spring unbidden while reading through (plowing through) a new book; a new world.
Independent Reading Response #1
Huxley's "Brave New World"--Response 1 of 4
Pgs. 3-86; Chapters 1-5
After reading the first five chapters of this book, I began to realize how different the philosophy is in this book from mine. Something that struck me hard to the core was the part where, “everyone belongs to everyone else.” That line had me thinking about how much strict Catholics, such as I do not believe in that. I believe in monogamy while this book strictly forbids monogamy because “everyone belongs to everyone else.” The people in this book do not do kindly to those that stay with one person because that is against the rules. I do not believe how humans are being made. I am against the idea that some humans are made better than other humans simply because that is how it is supposed to be. I am an American and I believe everyone has the ability of making something of their life. Everyone is equal.
After being made lower than another human, the lower human believes that they like being that way. They believe strongly in that because they were brought up to believe that it is better being what they are. When being raised, they make you listen to words that build up your moral, while you are asleep. This repeats so many times that you end up believing that that is the truth and nothing but the truth. It’s similar, if not the same, as brainwashing.
I don’t like the fact that they encourage everyone to have sexual intercourse with whomever they want with no strings attached and that all women must use contraceptives because there is no more reason to actually give birth because humans are being made in a better way. All of what is happening seems like a short cut. All of what is happening seems all wrong to me because life doesn’t work that way. I wouldn’t trade individuality for that. I wouldn’t trade anything for that. I don’t know what brought all this about but it’s clear to me what I am against and what I am for. Ladies should not be offering themselves to any man because they can and because that is right. I think it is wrong.
Alana, thanks for picking up the slack. Your reaction to this dystopic story is refreshing to say the least and I'm positive Huxley would have smiled reading it. What makes a good story great is the type of conversations it engenders. Happy reading!