Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Book Review: "Brave New World" By: Aldous Huxley

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley makes you think about what the future has in store for us. The saying, “everyone belongs to everyone else” isn’t a far cry to what’s going on around the world and again, you wonder, is this book a science fiction, or is it something greater? Women do not give birth (they take pills), people are being manufactured in laboratories, soma is being taken to relieve depression, and death is not grieved after (because you have an expiration date.) From birth the children are being “conditioned” to be a certain part in society and nothing else. Individuality, love, family, and art are given up for the perfect society. You ask yourself: Is it worth it? Ford replaces God because he is, in essence, efficiency because of the invention of the assembly line (and life is being processed in an assembly line). Moreover, someone in this novel is drivel to the point of ultimate sacrifice because of how the world has turned out. His selfess act of love will serve as a guide to the future. (Doesn't this sound familiar? Didn't Jesus sacrifice his life for us? To serve as a guide?) Is this not a far cry from what’s already happening? This amazingly daunting and scary-perfect book will get you mesmerized and will help you put life into perspective. If happiness is found in a drug and love is abhorred, what kind of life do you lead? Where’s your purpose? I just adore how my philosophy and the philosophy of this book clash causing me to really see who I am. This book is not only yummy, but it allows you to do a bit of “self-realizations.” What more can you ask about a book who uncovers, unearths who you truly are inside?

1 comment:

  1. "What more can you ask about a book who uncovers, unearths who you truly are inside?" And such is the power of great stories. I must say, this book is one of my all-time favorites. It's like a delicious and nutritious meal that sticks to your bones and leaves you satisfied for a good while. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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