Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Analysis 2 of 2

This text was found in the last chapter at the end of the book when everything has come to a happy ending. Tom is recovering from his bullet wound, Jim is considered a hero now and is freed, Huck gets to go on another adventure, etc… In the text, Huck is saying that Aunt Sally is adopting him and he knows that she’s going to try and “sivilize” him. He’s already thinking about going on another adventure when he said, “But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest…” The significance of this passage is that it shows that Huck has learned from his previous adventure. He knows what it’s like to be living life on the raft, free to do whatever he pleases. Huck knows that being civilized by Aunt Sally is like saying that he’s going to be conformed to the society that he has come to distrust and fear. It means that he’s going to be conformed to the society that already has education, religion, etc… planned out for him.

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