Sunday, January 30, 2011

Controversy #4

Hey guys, I know I know...
I have't been keeping up on the blogs recently due to an onslaught of tennis matches and marine awareness events, but I am here now to catch up.

Controversy #4:

Man fired for wearing Green Bay Packers Tie

Title of Article: “Chicago man wears Packers tie to work, is promptly fired

Author: MJD

Date of Publication: January 25, 2011

Time Accessed: 10:03 pm

Date Accessed: January 25, 2011

After reading and accessing the article I’ve read and watching the video that came with the article, I sat a moment to think over what I had just learned. One thing I was educated on in AP American Government is that the media is always biased. Where is the relevance between knowing that the media is biased and this man getting fired over wearing a Green Bay Packers tie? The article I read did not further supply its readers with more information regarding

John Stone (the man fired) and his background information. Even though the article almost lured me into its deceptive clutches, I knew better than to walk right into believing everything that the media says because, like I said: the media is always biased. After realizing that I had no idea what John Stone’s “work ethic” was, I had no right to ridiculously point fingers of who made a fault in judgment here. Maybe John Stone was already on the precipice of receiving that ineluctably horrific pink slip, or maybe the general manager of the car dealership, Jerry Roberts unjustly fired John Stone just because the dealership supported the rival of the Green Bay Packers, who, after some degree of research on my part, happen to be the Chicago Bears. Roberts boldly claims, “I don't feel that it was appropriate for him to go directly in contrast with an advertising campaign that we spent a lot of money on.” The question remains: was it just to fire a man because he was wearing a tie that your dealership disapproved of? I assert strongly that not enough information is given to justify any of my assertion fairly.

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